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Friday, 22 June 2018

what is google adwords

Google AdWords is Google's advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google's search results

what is google adwords

An Overview For Advertisers:

  • Google AdWords is Google's online advertising program that lets you reach new customers and grow your business
  • With AdWords, you choose where your ad appears, set a budget you're comfortable with, and measure the impact of your ad
Campaign Type:

Search Network only:Search Network only” (which means Google search only)

Display Network only :“Display Network only” (which means your ad shows up in Google’s Display network of websites, videos, YouTube, Blogger and more. This is also known as AdSense)

Search Network with Display Select:“Search Network with Display Select” (which is a combo of search and display)

Shopping :Best way to create  shopping ads

Video  :Video ads on youtube   and across the web.

Universal app campaign : Promote your app  across  search, Display and Youtube

Campaign structure :

what is google adwords

Campaign structure contains : 

  1. campaign name 
  2. adgroups
  3. ads set 
  4. keywords list


CPC: What Is Cost Per Click? CPC is short form of cost per click ,which  you pay for each click on your  ads in your marketing campaigns


Manual Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Example :
if you think its worth 19rs to have someone visit your website

you can set 19rs as your max. CPC. You'll pay a maximum of
19rs when a person reads your ad and clicks it, and you pay
nothing if they don't click.

Let's say you create a text ad and set a max. CPC bid of  19rs. If
500 people see the ad, and 23 of them click to learn more, you pay
only for those 23 clicks. Your max. CPC bid was 19rs, so you'll pay
no more than 23 clicks x 19.

Often you'll pay less than your max. CPC because with the
AdWords auction, the most you'll pay is what's minimally required
to hold your ad position and any ad formats shown with your ad,
such as sitelinks

Maximize Clicks automatically sets your bids to help get as many clicks as
possible within your budget. 

Maximize Clicks, you set a target daily budget and the AdWords system
automatically sets your maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bids on your behalf,
with the goal of getting you the most clicks possible within that budget.

Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC)

Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) automatically adjusts your manual bids to help you
get more conversions, while trying to achieve the same cost-per-conversion.

ECPC is available as an optional feature with Manual CPC bidding.

With ECPC, you'll still have control over your bids just like you did before, but ECPC
helps you by adjusting each bid based on how likely it is that a click will result in a
conversion. If a click seems likely to convert, ECPC will raise your max CPC (after
applying any bid adjustments you've set).

Quality score : quality score is an estimate of the quantify your ads, keywords and
landing page higher quantify ads can lead to lower price and better ad position
you can see your quantify score & quality score is compared on a1-10 scale amd its
component (expected click through rate, ad relevance and landing page experience)
in your keywords "status" colum
the more relevant your ads and landing page are to the user, this more likely it is that
you will see higher quality score

Types of keywords match type
1. Broad match : when you use broad match your ads automatically run on relevant
variation of your keywords. Even if these term arent in your keyword list

2. Phrases match : you  can show your ads to customes which are searching your
exact keywords & close variants of your exact keywords with addition words before
and after

3.  Exact match : you show you ads to customer  who  are searching for your exact
keyword or closes variants of your exact keywords excusively


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