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Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Goals for social media marketing

Goal for social media marketing 

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.

Types of social media

Social networks

       Bookmarking sites & Social News
        Multimedia Sharing
        Micro blogging
        Ecommerce site
        Discussion forums

    Social networks:

A social network site is a social media site that allows users to connect and share with people who have similar interests and backgrounds. Facebook is the most popular example of a social network website.

Bookmarking sites & Social News:

        BookMarking  sites allow users to save and organize links to any number of online resources and websites. A great feature of these services is the ability for the user to “tag” links, which makes them easier to search, and invariably, share with their followers.
        Social News site  allows its users to post news links and other items to outside articles. Users then vote on said items, and the items with the highest number of votes are most prominently displayed

           A BLOG refers to a public web page which is published by either an individual or a group of individuals. BLOGS are used to comment on all sorts of topics, depending on the interests of the blogger (author). Originally, blogs were the work of a single author, or in some cases several authors.
        Most popular are blogger and wordpress


        These are just what they sound like, sites that allow the users to submit short written entries, which can include links to product and service sites, as well as links to other social media sites. These are then posted on the ‘walls’ of everyone who has subscribed to that user’s account. The most commonly used microblogging website is Twitter and Tumblr .

Ecommerce site :

        A big trend emerging across all types of social media is the ability to view and purchase desired goods with a click of a button. e-commerce elements have been adopted by many networks whose primary functionalities place them in different categories, such as Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
        Amazon and  flipkart

Discussion forums:

A   meeting   or  medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

 1.Develop Brand Awareness
Here are some KPIs to help track and report on the success of this objective:
·        Mentions: the number of times the brand comes up in social media conversation and the number of times these conversations are shared.
·        Impressions: the number of potential views that a message has.
·        Reach: the number of people who have received viewed a publication.
·        Social Sessions: the number of site visits, blog post views, etc.
·        Share of Voice: volume of mentions received by a brand versus volume of mentions received by all relevant competing brands.

  2. Increase Size of Social Communities and Accurately Target Audiences:

 The relevant KPIs here are:
·        Community Performance: the number of fans, followers, or subscribers broken down by social media channel.
·        Community Progression: the follower growth rate by social media channel.
·        Share of Community Voices: number of followers compared to those of competitors.
·        Share of Voice by Channel: the community size of each social media platform as a percentage of the total number of social followers across all platforms.
·        Social Visits: visitors coming to social media accounts coming from the brand’s website or blog.

 3. Strengthen Engagement Strategies to Increase Customer Loyalty

The KPIs for this objective are:
·        Interaction Performance: the number of interactions (likes, retweets, shares, etc.) and number of comments.
·        Evolution of the Interactions: the growth rate of interactions.
·        Publication Performance: the number of messages generating an amount of interaction greater than a predefined threshold.
·        Influencer Population:  the number of influencers and brand ambassadors as a percentage of the community size.

4. Monitor Customer Feedback

The following KPIs should be measured for this objective:
·        Brand Perception: the sentiment associated with the brand and its products, especially in comparison to competitors.
·        Evolution of Perception: the percentage of positive versus negative sentiment over time.
·        Reputation Score: the sentiments associated with the brand weighted against the community size of each review.
·        Response Performance: the response rate to social media interactions.
·        Resolution Performance: the number of customer tickets resolved over a given time period.

 5. Enhance Public Relations:-
By following your company’s mentions, you can find out what customers are saying about your brand, and respond to complaints in a timely manner. In fact, according to Social Media Today, when companies engage and respond to customer service requests over social media, those customers end up spending 20% – 40% more with the company. Responding quickly and solving problems allows you to stay ahead of large-scale complaints and create brand loyalty. This type of engagement is easier by using tools such as a Unified Social Inbox.
Analytics to Track:
Improve Relationships

 6. Convert Social Followers into Qualified Leads and New Business

Towards the end of marketing campaigns, brand content should have generated social media followers and interactions with prospective customers. The associated KPIs here are:
·        Number of Leads from Social Media: the share of marketing leads originating from social media which are turned into qualified commercial leads and integrated into the CRM platform.
·        Lead Growth from Social Media:  the growth rate of conversions from social leads to sales leads.
All of these objectives must be regularly reported for initial analyses, which will then be complemented with predictive and corrective analysis.

7. Research and Development:-
By constantly engaging with customers, your company can stay up to date on the problems they’re facing and develop solutions. Just as importantly, follow your competitors on social media to see how they engage their customers, if they’re facing any complaints, and if they’re rolling out any promotions or new products. A great way to track competitors is using eClincher’s Custom Search Feeds, where you can create and save feeds based on specific keywords.

Analytics to Track:-
Keep Track of Competition
Increase Engagement
Insights into Customer Problems

goals for social media marketing

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